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Zip files.

Submitted by JasonG on Thu, 2006-08-03 22:05 in


Bought and downloaded Magic Parser yesterday and just wanted to say how fantastic it is. I had been looking for a way to automate Affiliate Data Feed imports and it is already saving me hours ... thank you.

I have one question though, I have used the Feed Processor site to parse data feeds before and it automatically detected data within zip files. Is it possible to parse a zip file with Magic Parser and if so how?



Submitted by support on Thu, 2006-08-03 22:24

Hi Jason,

Thank you for your comments.

The site retrieves the feed first (either by your file upload or from a URL), then checks to see if it is compressed, uncompresses if necessary and then parses the local uncompressed file.

It is done by looking at the file to see if it begins with a known compression file type header; and then executes the required unzip command if necessary. The code is quite straight forward, but does require a bit of knowledge with regards to where the unzip programs are installed on your server etc, and also requires careful management of a download directory that you are able to empty on a regular basis (either manually or via a CRON job).

Are you running on a Linux server, with either Telnet or SSH access to your account?

If so, let me know an i'll help you work some code to automatically download, unzip and then parse files.

You might also want to have a look at the Price Tapestry automation guide which shows how to script the downloading and uncompression of feeds:

Submitted by JasonG on Fri, 2006-08-04 09:48


I will have a look at the Price Tapestry code first and see if I can sort it out.

Will get back if I require any further assistance.

Many thanks