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Magic Parser

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 TopicRepliesCreatedLast reply
Issue where fields are optional037 weeks 4 days ago
by I-CRE8
Issue with first line of css not responding as the other lines43 years 43 weeks ago
by I-CRE8
3 years 43 weeks ago
by I-CRE8
Reading a CSV that has multiple characters as a delimiter16 years 14 weeks ago
by orbitals
6 years 12 weeks ago
by support
remove duplicates in xml16 years 38 weeks ago
by nonibanacu
6 years 38 weeks ago
by support
mysqli functions?17 years 7 weeks ago
by Lera
7 years 7 weeks ago
by support
Parse gtrend17 years 18 weeks ago
by Demarco
7 years 18 weeks ago
by support
full text rss17 years 19 weeks ago
by Demarco
7 years 19 weeks ago
by support
Magic Parser timeout27 years 38 weeks ago
by fraizor
7 years 36 weeks ago
by fraizor
how many rss magic parser function a webpage can handle ?97 years 39 weeks ago
by fraizor
7 years 39 weeks ago
by support
Magicparser Not working with this rss27 years 39 weeks ago
by fraizor
7 years 39 weeks ago
by fraizor
Magicparser Not working with this link 57 years 47 weeks ago
by fraizor
7 years 47 weeks ago
by support
Get image from description !47 years 49 weeks ago
by fraizor
7 years 47 weeks ago
by fraizor
Magicparser not working with this rss37 years 49 weeks ago
by fraizor
7 years 49 weeks ago
by support
Sorting feed based upon variable criteria47 years 50 weeks ago
by rcasey
7 years 50 weeks ago
by rcasey
Merging 2 rss feeds or 2 xml files or 2 parsed magicparser feeds47 years 50 weeks ago
by fraizor
7 years 50 weeks ago
by support
write parsing result to file27 years 50 weeks ago
by fraizor
7 years 50 weeks ago
by fraizor
Problem with custom RSS feed.168 years 2 weeks ago
by MvdL1979
7 years 51 weeks ago
by MvdL1979
Not inserting into SQL DB48 years 9 weeks ago
by globologic
8 years 9 weeks ago
by globologic
Parse Large XML and CSV files38 years 11 weeks ago
by Fatihpk
8 years 10 weeks ago
by support
How to post this into a MYSQL table?18 years 11 weeks ago
by globologic
8 years 11 weeks ago
by support
Auto detect error18 years 12 weeks ago
by globologic
8 years 12 weeks ago
by support
Autonumber rows on XML output28 years 17 weeks ago
by rcasey
8 years 17 weeks ago
by rcasey
Problem with retrive data18 years 31 weeks ago
by vjeko11
8 years 31 weeks ago
by support
Cut out some field from xml38 years 32 weeks ago
by vjeko11
8 years 31 weeks ago
by support
Insert data based on record exists38 years 42 weeks ago
by globologic
8 years 38 weeks ago
by support