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Category listing

Submitted by rubenxela on Fri, 2010-01-29 17:57 in

I write this third message because I've got another question and maybe it's easier for people to find solutions on the forum.
I'm realy sorry, I tried by myself, red many forum topics ... but shame on me ... I can't find a solution !!

I've got a XML feed (same one as describe in other topic) with many real estate ,with many field to describe each one. One of this field is a kind of Region one. There is something like 10 regions (areas) in the field (for 500 items).
I what I need is to list the categories (regions), but of course without duplicating each one. And if it's possible counting the number of items per Region !!!

Actualy I did the basic scheme

"".$region." <br />";
// parse the xml feed

Submitted by support on Fri, 2010-01-29 20:23

Hi there!

This is another situation where it's best to parse your data into a global array, and then display it after the parse. In this case, creating an associative array where the category is the key and the value is the counter would be a good solution. Have a go with something like this:

$region utf8_decode($record["BIENDESC/LREGION"]);
$regions as $region => $count)
$region." (".$count.")<br />";

Hope this helps!

Submitted by rubenxela on Tue, 2010-02-02 10:53

Thank you David. I'll write what I finaly done if it can help someone. The use of this piece of script was for a select form field.

  array (
$regions); // Don't know why but don't work without ()
function myRecordHandlerform($record)
// Conditions because I don't want the script to return items with blank answers or with "A déterminer"
if ($record["BIENDESC/LREGION"]==FALSE) return;
    if (
$record["BIENDESC/LREGION"]=="A déterminer") return;
$region $record["BIENDESC/LREGION"];
$regions as $region => $count)
// Definition of $region2 to write the URLs and use + instead of space
$region2 $region ;
$region2 str_replace(" ","+",$region2);
"<option value=\"".$region2."\">".$region." (".$count.")</option> \n";

It seems to work for me, I hope that the code is correct

Submitted by rubenxela on Thu, 2010-02-04 15:51

Oh sorry I forgot to mention that I use also a cache system for all my pages and use it also for the generated XML file for category listing

Submitted by rubenxela on Thu, 2010-02-04 17:00

That fonction with my xml file require lot of time to sort a result of maximum 2 categories ! More than 5 seconds added to the base of the script : parsing the items with another array, that was realy realy long : 9s .
So I used this category listing function in another page to generate a xml file that I parse with basic use in the original page where I need that category menu. With that getting my pages need now 5s. It's long but it seem that doin' an array before re-parsing is long anyway!