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How to group results based on a xml field

Submitted by gediweb on Mon, 2009-12-21 20:13 in


I was able to display my XML based on the BBC News example. Formats, links and displays great, but right now all the results come in together in one long list.

I have an XML of Junior Tennis ranking results grouped by class value. How would I go about grouping the results by the correct class value with a "class of whatever year" as a header over each one?

Here is my xml, or part of it anyway, because it is too long.

{code saved}

Submitted by support on Mon, 2009-12-21 20:32

Hi there,

What I would do in this instance is populate a global array of records; keyed by CLASS-VALUE. You can then loop through that array; create the appropriate heading and then use a second display "record handler" function containing the same code as your myRecordHandler function from your working test script to actually display the records. For example (replace filename.xml, xml|FORMAT/STRING etc. with the correct values from your working test script):

$allRecords = array();
$allRecords[$record["CLASS-VALUE"]][] = $record;
// same code here as your working myRecordHandler function
$allRecords as $year => $records)
"<h2>Class of ".$year."</h2>";
$records as $record)

Hope this helps!

Submitted by gediweb on Mon, 2009-12-21 21:41

Thank you for your reply. Here is the code that I have (below) and here is a link to the results:
They are basically displaying as they did before. Nothing changed. And the class of: does not recognize the $year

  $allRecords = array();
  function myRecordHandler($record)
    global $allRecords;
    $allRecords[$record["CLASS-VALUE"]][] = $record;
  $url = "";
  function myDisplayRecordHandler($record)
    print "<table width='20%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td width='20%' valign='top'>".$record["RANK"]."</td>";
    print "<td width='80%' align='left' valign='top'><B><a href='".$record["URL"]."'>".$record["FIRSTNAME"]."&nbsp;".$record["LASTNAME"]."</a></B><BR>State:".$record["STATE"]."<BR><BR></td>
  foreach($allRecords as $year => $records)
    print "<h2>Class of ".$year."</h2>";
    foreach($records as $record)

Submitted by support on Mon, 2009-12-21 22:05


My apologies - i'd mis-interpreted the way the class was represented in your XML. I checked the actual feed; and since it is at a higher level in the document a slightly different method will actually be required.

The trick in this case is to first parse your XML at the RANKINGS/GENDER/CLASS/ level in order to build up an array ($classIds) mapping a PLAYERID to their class.

Next, the feed is parsed at the RANKINGS/GENDER/CLASS/PLAYER/ level and as before build up an array indexed by class; but in this case getting class from the $classIds array built up in the first parse.

Have a go with something like this...

$url "";
$xml file_get_contents($url);
$classIds = array();
$allRecords = array();
$record as $k => $v)
      if (
$classIds[$v] = $record["CLASS-VALUE"];
$allRecords[$classIds[$record["PLAYERID"]]][] = $record;
"<table width='20%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td width='20%' valign='top'>".$record["RANK"]."</td>";
"<td width='80%' align='left' valign='top'><B><a href='".$record["URL"]."'>".$record["FIRSTNAME"]."&nbsp;".$record["LASTNAME"]."</a></B><BR>State:".$record["STATE"]."<BR><BR></td></tr></table>";
$allRecords as $year => $records)
"<h2>Class of ".$year."</h2>";
$records as $record)

Hope this helps!

Submitted by gediweb on Wed, 2009-12-23 20:49

That's perfect David! Thank you!!!!