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Twitter - Second Life

Submitted by russellharrower on Mon, 2009-05-25 11:46 in

Hi i am trying to make a script that will let users see there friends twitter updates when they user my twitter ATM's in second life

I am wondering if someone can help

the is the code to get the users friends twitter xml

function myRecordHandler($record)
  $usertwittername = $record["NAME"];
  $usertwitterstatus = $record["STATUS"];
$url = "".$username.".xml";

and this is the part i need it to show in

if($resultArray['http_code'] == "0"){
  $twitter_status="Error posting to Twitter.".$resultArray['http_code'];
else {
  $twitter_status='Your message has been sent!';
return $twitter_status;

It needs to go in the $twitter_status i would like each status to have a new line and to limit to the last 10 posts, the script will not allow for new lines.


Submitted by support on Mon, 2009-05-25 12:00

Hi Russell,

Could you describe the connection between the 2 sections in more details, it's clear what is provided to myRecordHandler for each of $username's friends, but I'm not sure exactly how you want to use that information in terms of $twitter_status.

New lines can normally be incorporated within a PHP code using the "\n"; but remember that new-lines are ignored by HTML; however they may still be meaningful externally..


Submitted by russellharrower on Mon, 2009-05-25 13:34

I am wanting to show

As you see it allows me to see what my friends are posting to twitter.

I would like show that feed (limit 5 posts) to the user who is using the ATM.

Submitted by russellharrower on Mon, 2009-05-25 15:27

I am trying to show the users friends twitter status.
I would like to show the latest 5 twitter status from there friends

Submitted by support on Wed, 2009-05-27 07:52

Hi Russell,

With regards to showing the status, the following code will display the first 5 friends and their last update:

$c 0;
"<strong>".$record["SCREEN_NAME"]."</strong>: ";
    return (
$url "";

Click here to see the output running on this server.

In terms of the code you posted, there was a typo in the way you were constructing the URL for use in the MagicParser_parse() call, the following line:


...should be:


(there was an extra ," in the code that breaks the syntax)

Hope this helps!

Submitted by russellharrower on Wed, 2009-05-27 11:06

Just wondering how i put the out put into $twitter_status =

Submitted by support on Wed, 2009-05-27 11:46

Hi Russell,

An alternative to the above that simply puts the output into a variable called $twitter_status (without the HTML formatting, and a new line between each entry) would be:

$twitter_status "";
$c 0;
$twitter_status .= $record["SCREEN_NAME"].": ";
$twitter_status .= $record["STATUS/TEXT"]."\n";
    return (
$url "";

Remember that you won't see the newlines if viewing the above page in a browser unless you either set the output content-type to text/plain using this code at the top:

  header("Content-Type: text/plain");

...or, you use the nl2br() function when printing $twitter_status, e.g.:

  print nl2br($twitter_status);

Hope this helps!