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CRLF within CVS File Field being stripped?

Submitted by stgelais on Mon, 2009-05-04 16:13 in

It appears the the CRLFs within fields in my CSV file are being stripped entirely by magic parser (and preplaced with nothing) before I get a chance to see them within function call.

For instance, the Description in this record

"MerchantID","Merchant","HeadLineTitle","Description","PromoType","Coupon Code","Entry Date","Start Date","Expires","PromoID","TrackingURL","Banner"
"6916","OverstockArt, LLC.","15% off your Mother's Day orders","15% off coupon for customers + Free Shipping Both Ways (return shipping is free as well)

Promo code: MOM15

Expires May 10, 2009","CouponCode","MOM15","2009-04-22","2009-04-22","2009-05-10","280","",""

ends up as this in the MySQL insert query (notice that the CRLFs are stripped)

INSERT INTO as_feeds_promos ( MerchantID, CampaignID, LinkID, PromoID, ProductID, Title, Description, PromoType, CouponCode, StartDate, ExpireDate, TrackingURL, ImageURL ) VALUES (6916, 2483, 7, 280, NULL, '15% off your Mother\'s Day orders', '15% off coupon for customers + Free Shipping Both Ways (return shipping is free as well)Promo code: MOM15Expires May 10, 2009', 'CouponCode', 'MOM15', '2009-04-22', '2009-05-10', '', '');

I would prefer to deal with the CRLFs in the function myRecordHandler($record). Is there a way to do this?

Submitted by support on Mon, 2009-05-04 16:18

Hi there!

Have you double-checked the data to see if they have actually been stripped, or only that they are not apparent, as would be the case being viewed in a web browser?

HTML does not recognise CR/LF as a new-line, so normally, you would use a method to replace it with <br />. For example, in PHP, you can use the nl2br() function...

If that's not the case; if you could perhaps email me a link to the feed (or the feed itself if it is not too large when zipped) and I'll check it out for you...


Submitted by support on Mon, 2009-05-04 16:27

Hello again,

My apologies - I've just checked the functionality for the mutl-line CSV handler and it is stripping CRLF at the moment. I will email you a version with these characters preserved when inside a quoted multi-line text field...
