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undefined index

Submitted by andras on Tue, 2009-04-28 21:08 in

hello there,

i get a lot of "Notice: Undefined index:" errors, which appear to be a result of missing nodes (terminology?) in my xml file; that is, not all entries have all their properties populated and the xml is completely missing tags for those.



your demo page, however does not display these notices, and so i wonder how i may supress them . . .

on a separate note: shouldn't the last bit at be "MagicParser_parse($filename,"myRecordHandler",$format_string);" vs. "MagicParser_parse($filename,"myRecordHandler",$format);"?


Submitted by support on Tue, 2009-04-28 21:13

Hi Andras,

That sounds like your PHP installation has warning levels turned up to the max.

Try the following code at the top of your script:


That should restrict notices to actual errors...


Submitted by andras on Tue, 2009-04-28 21:16

looking good already - thanks.