You are here:  » Get value of attribut - just getting the first letter of each one ?!!

Get value of attribut - just getting the first letter of each one ?!!

Submitted by lwebb on Wed, 2009-04-15 23:20 in


I'm using the following script to sort my datas but something very special happens with me, I'm just getting the first charachter of each attribut.
Here'is the XML file for example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<result name="GetTestList">
<record test_id="6682" test_name="Demo Editing Skills Certification" coverage="Prepositions ;Parallel Construction ;Comma Usage ;Punctuation ;Misplaced Modifiers ;Apostrophe Usage ;Sentence Structure ;Pronoun Usage ;Tenses ;Article Usage" total_questions="10" duration="10" passing_marks="50" category="Demo Tests"/>
<record test_id="6683" test_name="Demo Adobe Photoshop CS3 Test" coverage="Layers ;Type ;Automating Tasks and Keyboard Shortcuts ;Workspace ;Working with Images, Retouching and Transforming ;Color Management ;Color and Tonal Adjustments ;Using Selection and Drawing ;Filters and Saving Images ;Working With Web, Video and Animation" total_questions="10" duration="10" passing_marks="50" category="Demo Tests"/>
<record test_id="6684" test_name="Demo Programming with C++ Test" coverage="Classes ;Constructors ;Variables and Datatypes" total_questions="10" duration="10" passing_marks="50" category="Demo Tests"/>
<record test_id="6685" test_name="Demo HTML 4.01 Test" coverage="Advanced Tags ;Fundamentals ;Tags ;Tables ;Links and Images ;Forms and Frames" total_questions="10" duration="10" passing_marks="50" category="Demo Tests"/>

And the PHP script with the Magic Parser:

  $filename = "note.xml";
  $format_string = MagicParser_getFormat($filename);
  if (!$format_string)
  { print "<p>".MagicParser_getErrorMessage()."</p>";
  { print "<p><strong>Autodetected Format String:</strong> ".$format_string."</p>"; }
  print "<p>Contents of first record:</p>";
  function myRecordHandler($record)
  { print "<table border='1'>";
    foreach($record as $key => $value)
      print "<tr>";
      print "<th>".$key."</th>";
      print "<td>".htmlentities($value)."&nbsp;</td>";
      print "</tr>";
print $value['record-test_id']; // I'm trying to get the value of the attribut 'test-id' in node 'record'
    print "</table>";
    // return a non-zero value to stop reading any more records
    return 0;

At the end, I need the value of every attribut in a variable to store it in a MySQL Database.
If you also can help me with this, it will be very appreciated!

Any idea?

Submitted by support on Thu, 2009-04-16 07:21


When using the foreach loop to display every item in $record; if you still want to access individual elements you just need to refer to the $record array directly, rather than $value which is not actually an array...

In other words, instead of:

    foreach($record as $key => $value)
      print "<tr>";
      print "<th>".$key."</th>";
      print "<td>".htmlentities($value)."&nbsp;</td>";
      print "</tr>";
print $value['record-test_id']; // I'm trying to get the value of the attribut 'test-id' in node 'record'
    print "</table>";


    foreach($record as $key => $value)
      print "<tr>";
      print "<th>".$key."</th>";
      print "<td>".htmlentities($value)."&nbsp;</td>";
      print "</tr>";
    print "</table>";
    print $record['record-test_id'];
