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problem with characters & separators [resolved]

Submitted by artemis on Sat, 2006-02-04 10:40 in

Hi guys,
I'm trying to make the parser work with a csv file who contains text with accents. The problem is the letters with accent and some symbols (dash, slash and ";") are not displayed.

I changed the header language, but it's still not working. For a try I've converted in my csv file all the "é" to "é" but still not working (giving me "eacute", the & and ; have disappeared).

I don't know if they are erased trought the parsing process or if it's just a syntax problem ?
Can you please help me out, i'm becoming crazy about that matter ;-) THx a lot

Submitted by artemis on Sat, 2006-02-04 11:22

Forgot to ask about something else ;-)))

It's about the search fonction :

Let say my csv file contains the text : blue boat

If i make a search with "blue boat", i've got the result. But if i make a search with "boat blue", i don't have any results.
So, how should i fix this to have a search fonction which is not caring about the order of words ?

Thanks again & sorry for my poor english ;-)

Submitted by support on Sat, 2006-02-04 12:09


Can you reply to your registration code email and ask for the encoding fixed version of Magic Parser. I have found that on some PHP installations PHP does not correctly detect the character encoding, and this is why you are not seeing the proper characters.

Regarding the product search, I take it you are refering to the search feature in Price Tapestry. A more advanced search function is something I am going to look at developing; keep your eye on the Price Tapestry website for details of updates and new features...!
