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Cant use it. I get error message

Submitted by tzic on Mon, 2008-09-15 14:59 in

Hello, i am an old customer. I try to use magicParser but I get this error message:

could not open

The address of the feed is and I use this code:


function myRecordHandler($record)
// This is where you write your code to process each record, such as loading a database
// You can display the record contents using PHP's internal print_r() function:
// The following code will print out each field in your sample data:
print $record["ITEM"];
print $record["TITLE"];
print $record["LINK"];
print $record["DESCRIPTION"];
print $record["PUBDATE"];
print $record["GUID"];
print $record["GUID-ISPERMALINK"];

print MagicParser_getErrorMessage();

to show it in my main page

Any ideas?

Submitted by support on Mon, 2008-09-15 15:14

Hi there,

I'm assuming this is a new project, so maybe you haven't used Magic Parser to open a remote URL on this server before. It sounds like URL Wrappers are not enabled, which means that PHP cannot fopen() a URL, which is what Magic Parser tries to do. Please see this thread for more info and how to enable it (which may involve asking your host):

To confirm if this is the problem, you can try this test script:

  if (!
"fopen() failed";

Hope this helps!