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Magic Will Not Parse Record with Degree Character

Submitted by fused on Sun, 2008-09-07 19:54 in

The following file works on the demo page; however, it only outputs the first record when I use the script. It seems like Magic Parser will stop if it encounters a character it does not like such as º or °. Notice the ° after purrs in the second record. I did not get an error message from MagicParser_getErrorMessage().

Could you explain why it would work on the demo page and not when I run it on my system?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <pet name="Bonzo">
        <MainSpec>Distinguishing Sound</MainSpec>
  <pet name="Flufy">
        <MainSpec>Distinguishing Sound</MainSpec>

Submitted by support on Sun, 2008-09-07 20:05


This sounds like it could be a character encoding mis-match between the utf-8 declaration in the XML; and the actual encoding of the file (which may-be iso-8859-1).

Also make sure that you are using a Format String in your call to MagicParser_parse(), which in this case should be:


To help you work out whether or not it is an encoding issue; I have created the following demo script with the XML in your post saved in a file called pets.xml:

Click here to download both files (pets.php and pets.xml) as a .zip. If this works on your server, the first thing to check is that the text editor in which you are creating the file is configured to be using the utf-8 character set as matches the character set in the declaration - and I expect that will be all it is...


Submitted by fused on Sun, 2008-09-07 20:23

Your files worked.

My format string was the same as yours.

However, my original xml file was saved as ANSI. I resaved it in notepad as UTF-8 and it worked!

Problem solved!

I spent 3 hours trying to figure this out. You are amazing! Thanks for the help.