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Making own XML file doesn't work

Submitted by formmailer on Mon, 2008-08-11 06:21 in

Hi David,

I am trying to create a XML file that can be parsed by MagicParser, but whatever I try, it can't be parsed.

Below is the XML I try to use:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!--Generated on 2008/08/11 (>
<name>Appartementen Dosjoimi, Costa Brava</name>
<price>279,- p.p. | 4 personen | 8 dagen</price>
<date>20 september 2008</date>
<name>Appartementen Dosjoimi, Costa Brava</name>
<price>279,- p.p. | 4 personen | 8 dagen</price>
<date>20 september 2008</date>

I'm sure something is wrong with this XML, but I can't figure what it is.
Can you help me?



Submitted by support on Mon, 2008-08-11 07:17

Hello Jasper,

The XML is not valid because of the "&" character in each of the productURL fields.

There are 2 ways to deal with this.

The first option is to use the XML Entity for "&" which is "&amp;". This would make your productURL fields something like:


The second option is to wrap the field in CDATA tags, which informs XML that all it is all literal data:


Hope this helps!

Submitted by formmailer on Mon, 2008-08-11 09:39

Thanks David, it worked like a charm!
