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Field is not being displayed.

Submitted by formmailer on Sat, 2008-05-17 16:19 in

Hi David,

I try to parse the following feed: and everyting goes well except for the last field: ADDITIONAL/FIELD@9-VALUE. This field isn't being displayed.

I use the following code:

$count 0;
  foreach (
$records as $record) {
'<div id="full_description_image"><img src="'.$record["IMAGEURL"].'" height="130"><br><font size="-2">'.$record["NAME"].'</font></div>';
'<b><a href="'.$record["PRODUCTURL"].'" target="_blank">'.$record["NAME"].' ('.$record["ADDITIONAL/FIELD@9-VALUE"].')</b> <br><i>'.$record["ADDITIONAL/FIELD-VALUE"].'</i></a><p>';
$record["DESCRIPTION"].' <p>';
'<i>Vanaf '.$record["PRICE"].''.$record["PRICE-CURRENCY"].' p.p.</i> <a href="'.$record["PRODUCTURL"].'" target="_blank">(Lees meer...)</a><p></p>';
  if (
$count == 26) break;

In my server log I can find the following:
[Sat May 17 17:45:24 2008] [error] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined index: ADDITIONAL/FIELD@9-VALUE in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 9

Can you tell me what's wrong here?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Submitted by support on Sat, 2008-05-17 17:05

Hi Jasper,

This is occurring because not every record has as many as 9 "ADDITIONAL/FIELD-VALUE" fields. I entered your URL into the demo page, and it showed only 7 additional fields in record 2.

The way to handle this without generating the notice is to use isset(); for example:

  echo '<b><a href="'.$record["PRODUCTURL"].'" target="_blank">'.$record["NAME"].' '.(isset($record["ADDITIONAL/FIELD@9-VALUE"])?'('.$record["ADDITIONAL/FIELD@9-VALUE"].')':'').'</b> <br><i>'.$record["ADDITIONAL/FIELD-VALUE"].'</i></a><p>';


Submitted by formmailer on Sat, 2008-05-17 18:08

Hi David,

Thanks for your reply. Your example doesn't generate the notice, but the values still aren't displayed.

I now noticed that they have a fieldname, called reisduuralgemeen, but sometimes this value is on place 9 sometimes on place 8 and sometimes on place 7.
Is there a way to make sure that the field value of reisduuralgemeen is displayed, no matter how many fields they have?

Thanks again.


Submitted by support on Sat, 2008-05-17 18:19

Hello Jasper,

What I would do is parse out the additional fields into their own array; so that you can then reference them by the fieldname; regardless of what position they are in the original feed.

Here's an example myRecordHandler containing the code to do this - cut the appropriate code out and paste it into your record handler:

function myRecordHandler($record)
$additionalFields = array();
$record as $k => $v)
      if ((
strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"NAME"))
$name $v;
      if ((
strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"VALUE"))
$value $v;
      if (
$name && $value)
$additionalFields[$name] = $value;
$name "";
$value "";
// from here you can access the reisduuralgemeen as $additionalFields["reisduuralgemeen"]
    // for example:
print $additionalFields["reisduuralgemeen"];

Hope this helps!

Submitted by formmailer on Sat, 2008-05-17 18:42

I tried this, but it doesn't work. Probably my recordhandler is wrong now (it contained already some other stuff):

function myRecordHandler($record)
    if (isset(
$bestemming)) {
    if (
$dest_exact == "Y") {
      if (
$record[$dest_field] <> $bestemming) return;  // ignore this record (just return) if the field does not contain the destination value
} else {
      if (!
strpos($record[$dest_field], $bestemming)) return;  // ignore this record (just return) if the field does not contain the destination value
$additionalFields = array();
$record as $k => $v)
      if ((
strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"NAME"))
$name $v;
      if ((
strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"VALUE"))
$value $v;
      if (
$name && $value)
$additionalFields[$name] = $value;
$name "";
$value "";
$records[] = $record;

I use this to display this in the target page:

echo 'Reisduur: '.$additionalFields["reisduuralgemeen"].' dagen<p>';

Submitted by support on Sat, 2008-05-17 18:46

Hello Jasper,

I see - if you are loading the record into a global array to use later; then you will need to do it slightly differently.

The easiest thing to do is to add the $additionalFields array to $record:

function myRecordHandler($record)
    if (isset(
$bestemming)) {
    if (
$dest_exact == "Y") {
      if (
$record[$dest_field] <> $bestemming) return;  // ignore this record (just return) if the field does not contain the destination value
} else {
      if (!
strpos($record[$dest_field], $bestemming)) return;  // ignore this record (just return) if the field does not contain the destination value
$additionalFields = array();
$record as $k => $v)
      if ((
strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"NAME"))
$name $v;
      if ((
strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"VALUE"))
$value $v;
      if (
$name && $value)
$additionalFields[$name] = $value;
$name "";
$value "";
$record["additionalFields"] = $additionalFields;
$records[] = $record;

Then in your target page; where I presume you have a loop to go through each $records as $record, use:

echo 'Reisduur: '.$record["additionalFields"]["reisduuralgemeen"].' dagen<p>';

Hope this helps!

Submitted by formmailer on Sat, 2008-05-17 22:00

Hi David,

Thanks again. I used your code, but it didn't work. :-(
I figured there was missing a } . I added it to the end of the file, but now things got only worse:
Only the first record is now being displayed, but 26 times and the fields ADDITIONAL/FIELD-VALUE (subtitel) and ADDITIONAL/FIELD@x-VALUE (reisduuralgemeen) are not being displayed.

I shall now post all the code I use:

Target page:

//Voeg artikelen in
require("/var/www/vhosts/"); //Required for feeds
require("/var/www/vhosts/"); //Required for feeds
    //Start feed met bestemming
$bestemming "reizen/Zweden";
$dest_exact "Y";
    unset (
    unset (
    unset (
//Einde feed met bestemming


$count 0;
  foreach (
$records as $record) {
'<div id="full_description_image"><img src="'.$record["IMAGEURL"].'" height="130"><br><font size="-2">'.$record["NAME"].'</font></div>';
'<b><a href="'.$record["PRODUCTURL"].'" target="_blank">'.$record["NAME"].' ';
'</b> <br><i>'.$record["additionalFields"]["subtitel"].'</i></a><p>';
$record["DESCRIPTION"].' <p>';
'Reisduur: '.$record["additionalFields"]["reisduuralgemeen"].' dagen<p>';
'<i>Vanaf '.$record["PRICE"].''.$record["PRICE-CURRENCY"].' p.p.</i> <a href="'.$record["PRODUCTURL"].'" target="_blank">(Lees meer...)</a><p></p>';
  if (
$count == 26) break;

function myRecordHandler($record)
    if (isset(
$bestemming)) {
    if (
$dest_exact == "Y") {
      if (
$record[$dest_field] <> $bestemming) return;  // ignore this record (just return) if the field does not contain the destination value
} else {
      if (!
strpos($record[$dest_field], $bestemming)) return;  // ignore this record (just return) if the field does not contain the destination value
$additionalFields = array();
$record as $k => $v)
      if ((
strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"NAME"))
$name $v;
      if ((
strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"VALUE"))
$value $v;
      if (
$name && $value)
$additionalFields[$name] = $value;
$name "";
$value "";
$record["additionalFields"] = $additionalFields;
$records[] = $record;


$records = array(); // global array of records to pick from later
  // now you pick off as many random records as you require....

I hope these files help you to find, what I am doing wrong.

Thanks again!


Submitted by support on Sat, 2008-05-17 22:04

Hello Jasper,

It looks wrong in the myRecordHandler function... Try this:

function myRecordHandler($record)
    if (isset(
$bestemming)) {
    if (
$dest_exact == "Y") {
      if (
$record[$dest_field] <> $bestemming) return;  // ignore this record (just return) if the field does not contain the destination value
} else {
      if (!
strpos($record[$dest_field], $bestemming)) return;  // ignore this record (just return) if the field does not contain the destination value
$additionalFields = array();
$record as $k => $v)
      if ((
strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"NAME"))
$name $v;
      if ((
strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"VALUE"))
$value $v;
      if (
$name && $value)
$additionalFields[$name] = $value;
$name "";
$value "";
$record["additionalFields"] = $additionalFields;
$records[] = $record;

The last 3 lines were one } too-high up in the code, so the field would not have been set correctly, and it would have made $record worse!


Submitted by formmailer on Sat, 2008-05-17 22:08

That did the trick, David.

Thanks for the great support!!


Submitted by formmailer on Tue, 2008-05-27 07:40

Hi David,

I used the above solution for several more feeds without any problems. But now I have a feed where this doesn't seem to work and I can't find out why.
The additional feeds "stars" and "stad" (city) are not being displayed.



function myRecordHandler($record)
    if (isset(
$bestemming)) {
    if (
$dest_exact == "Y") {
      if (
$record[$dest_field] <> $bestemming) return;  // ignore this record (just return) if the field does not contain the destination value
} else {
      if (!
stristr($record[$dest_field], $bestemming)) return;  // ignore this record (just return) if the field does not contain the destination value
$additionalFields = array();
$record as $k => $v)
      if ((
strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"NAME"))
$name $v;
      if ((
strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"VALUE"))
$value $v;
      if (
$name && $value)
$additionalFields[$name] = $value;
$name "";
$value "";
$record["additionalFields"] = $additionalFields;
$records[] = $record;


$count 0;
  foreach (
$records as $record) {
//if ($count == 0 or $count == 4 or $count == 8 or $count == 12 or $count == 16 or $count == 20 or $count == 24)
echo '<div id="full_description_image"><img src="'.$record["IMAGEURL"].'"><br><font size="-2">'.$record["NAME"].'</font></div>';
echo '<b><a href="'.$record["PRODUCTURL"].'" target="_blank">'.$record["NAME"];
$record["additionalFields"]["stars"].', '.$record["additionalFields"]["stad"].'</b></a><p>';
$record["DESCRIPTION"].' <p>';
'<i>Vanaf '.$record["PRICE"].''.$record["PRICE-CURRENCY"].' p.p.p.n.</i> <a href="'.$record["PRODUCTURL"].'" target="_blank">(Lees meer...)</a><p></p>';
  if (isset(
$maxcount)) {
    if (
$count == $maxcount) break;
  if (
$count == 26) break;

The output is included in:

Do you have any ideas?


Submitted by support on Tue, 2008-05-27 08:31

Hi Jasper,

This particular feed is not using the attributes -NAME and -VALUE, instead, you are looking for (in $record):




So in place of the following code:

      if ((strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"NAME"))
        $name = $v;
      if ((strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"VALUE"))
        $value = $v;

...try this version

      if ((strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0) && strpos($k,"NAME"))
        $name = $v;
      elseif (strpos($k,"ADDITIONAL/FIELD")===0)
        $value = $v;

That should do the trick!
