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Dailymotion is not parsed correctly

Submitted by King Bukkum on Fri, 2007-11-16 14:35 in


Magic Parser does not parse the feeds from Dailymotion correctly:

Not all the tags are parsed. So are de media-rss-tags missing. What is wrong?

Thanks for your help!

Submitted by support on Fri, 2007-11-16 14:47


I think it was not auto-detecting correctly. I've just tried the file in the demo tool, which you can see and browse the feed at the following URL:

This shows all the tags from each ITEM record. Make sure that you are using the format string:


In your call to MagicParser_parse().

Now, there are other fields higher up in the XML which you will not see when looking at ITEM records, for example ITUNES:AUTHOR. To access these parameters you will need to do a separate parse, but this time using the format string:


You can see what you get if you parse with this format string on this demo page. You will see that you also get all of the item records, resolved using @n, but don't use this format string to access the items, use the normal RSS format string above.

Hope this helps,

Submitted by King Bukkum on Fri, 2007-11-16 14:53

Thanks for your help David! But how do I use the required format string...? I parse the feed with

$result = MagicParser_parse($rssurl,"myRecordHandler");

Thanks again!

Submitted by support on Fri, 2007-11-16 15:00


You add the format string as the 3rd parameter to MagicParser_parse(), for example:

$result = MagicParser_parse($rssurl,"myRecordHandler","xml|RSS/CHANNEL/ITEM/");
