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Limit results from the array

Submitted by formmailer on Sat, 2007-10-20 06:52 in

Hi David,

I've managed to shuffle the array like you said in:

This works fine, but how can I limit the number of result being displayed from the array.
Right now I used a foreach, but this is, of course, wrong.
Can you help me out?

My current code is:

$records = array(); // global array of records to pick from later
function myRecordHandler($record)
$records[] = $record;
// now you pick off as many random records as you require....
foreach ($records as $record) {



Submitted by support on Sat, 2007-10-20 08:08

Hi Jasper,

The most efficient way to do this, which doesn't involve copying the array around in memory is to do this:

  $count = 0;
  foreach ($records as $record) {
  print $record["NAME"];
  print $record["PRICE"];
  print $record["PRICE-CURRENCY"];
  print $record["PRODUCTURL"];
  print $record["IMAGEURL"];
  if ($count == 5) break;

Simply change the value of 5 as required...


Submitted by formmailer on Sat, 2007-10-20 09:18

Wow David, you are really fast regarding support!
Thanks for this easy trick! :-)
