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XML file using cubes

Submitted by lumby on Fri, 2007-06-01 15:02 in

I am a newbie at both ZML and php

My ZML feed is

The feed uses 'cubes' which has fooled me

I would like the result to be similar to
$currency1, $ rate1
$currency2, $ rate2

I intend to use php to multiply a price in Euros by the relevant currency rate to give a price in local currency

Submitted by support on Fri, 2007-06-01 15:17

Hi there,

I've worked with the ECB exchange rate feed before - it works nicely with Magic Parser, although i'm not really sure where the "cubes" come from - it's not something i've ever come across anywhere else!

Anyway, to process the feed using Magic Parser, you need to use the following format string:


Using this, your record handler function will be called once for each currency in the feed. What I recommend doing is rather than trying to create separate variables for each currency ($currency1, $rate1 etc.), that you load the exchange rates into an array. Then, after parsing you can reference the array with the currency you want to convert by - which will give you the exchange rate.

Here's the basic code to parse the XML and load the array:

$rates = array();
$currency $record["CUBE-CURRENCY"];
$rate $record["CUBE-RATE"];
$rates[$currency] = $rate;
$url "";

Here's the output from that script running on this server:

In that script, the print_r() function just displays the contents of the $rates array so that you can see if your code has worked. Having obtained your array, if you're new to PHP and not sure how to go about using an associative array here's an example to convert, for example, 100 Euro into US Dollars:

$rates = array();
$currency $record["CUBE-CURRENCY"];
$rate $record["CUBE-RATE"];
$rates[$currency] = $rate;
$url "";
$amount_eur 100.00// amount in EUR
$amount_usd $amount_eur $rates["USD"]; // calculate amount in USD
print "EUR ".$amount_eur." = USD ".$amount_usd;

Again, here's the output from that script running on this server:

Hope this helps get you started!