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Associative array

Submitted by dodo on Thu, 2007-04-12 09:08 in

Hi all!

I'm sorry if my question is silly for you, but I'm a novice with XML: after parsing my XML, i obtain a result like this:

Array ( [KEY_VALUE] => [KEY] => MSISDN [VALUE] => +393495094150 ) Array ( [KEY_VALUE] => [KEY] => ContentId [VALUE] => 25877 )

Is there a manner to assign values to respective variables?

I would like to have:

= +393495094150;
$contentid 25877;

Thanks in advance and sorry for my poor english.

Submitted by support on Mon, 2007-04-16 08:51

Hello Davide,

I understand what you are trying to do here. If you want to get $msisdn and $contentid into global variables to use later in your script you would need to do something like this:

// create a global array to extract the key value pairs
$values = array();
$key $record["KEY"];
$value $record["VALUE"];
$values[$key] = $value;
// your normal call to MagicParser_parse - replace this with what you are currently using
// here, you can either use the values directory, for example:
print $values["MSISDN"];
// alternatively, you can assign each value to its own variable:
$msisdn $values["MSISDN"];
$contentid $values["ContentId"];

Hope this helps!