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Unable to parse

Submitted by GeXus on Thu, 2007-03-29 04:24 in

I'm having trouble getting all of the fields from this feed - specifically the aws:xxx fields, any ideas? Thanks!

Submitted by support on Thu, 2007-03-29 07:39


There are 2 aspects of this feed that you need to consider. Firstly, Magic Parser by default (using autodetection) tries to parse out the most frequently repeating record; which in this feed are the main RSS items. The aws: weather details that you are trying to access are higher up in the document, so a different format string is required. The format string you need to access the top level parameters is:


Secondly, having now obtained the main channel info into your record handler function as the $record array, the next issue is that you need to handle the @n postfix that Magic Parser appends to field names to resolve fields that would otherwise have the same name within the current record. This involves creating a loop through @1, @2 etc. and testing to see whether the repeating field with that postfix exists - and then using the values if so.

It's easier to explain with an example, so here is a script to read this feed running on this server:

Here's the source:

"<h3>Weather Forecast for ".$city.",".$state."</h3>";
$i 0;
1) {
      if (
$i$postfix "@".$i;
      if (!isset(
$record["AWS:WEATHER/AWS:FORECASTS/AWS:FORECAST".$postfix])) break;
"<p>".$day." - ".$pre."</p>";
$url "";

Within the loop i've just extracted out the AWS:TITLE and AWS:SHORT-PREDICTION fields but you can of course access all the other weather fields in exactly the same way. Outside the loop, I have used the AWS:CITY and AWS:STATE fields to display the location of the forecast.

Hope this helps!

Submitted by GeXus on Thu, 2007-03-29 13:46

That's excellent, thank you!