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Only update and not delete and re index

Submitted by ROYW1000 on Fri, 2006-06-23 10:48 in

Hi David

Using the code below how can I make the script import the data but when i re run the script only update the ones that have been added or deleted. It currently changes the fgpartsID from starting at say 1 - 80 from 80-160 and so on each time its gets run.

Many thanks


/*Database Tables is the first item entered and the excel sheet data goes in at the end*/
$sql "
      INSERT INTO fgparts SET
        Partno = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PARTNO_XRF"] )."',
        PartnoPref = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PARTNO_PREF"] )."',
        Description = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["DESCRIPTION"] )."',
        Shelflife = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["SHELFLIFE"] )."',
        QtyPerPallet = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PACKPERPAL"] )."' ";
mysql_query("DELETE FROM fgparts");

Submitted by support on Fri, 2006-06-23 18:22

Hi Roy,

Your code as it stands should do the job as efficiently as any other mechansim, unless I have mis-understood what you are trying to do.

You are currently DELETE'ing every record from fgparts, and then importing the feed; so on completion the table should have no more records than are in the file; even if the ID field happens to be starting at a higher number. This is because a DELETE FROM does not necessarily reset the autoincrement ID value to 1; however an alternative is to use:

  mysql_query("TRUNCATE TABLE fgparts");

...which is guaranteed to reset the ID field. If you just make this change the IDs should start from 1 each import.


Submitted by ROYW1000 on Mon, 2006-06-26 10:57

Hi David

What I am trying to do is automate the import of records which are then maintained in a databse with comments. When I re import for example quantities I want the comments to remain and just update the fields that are in the feed.



Submitted by support on Tue, 2006-06-27 07:40

Hi Roy,

When you run an import, do you want to delete any records that are no longer in the feed?

What this boils down to is making a decision within your record handler function as to whether you need to INSERT or UPDATE. This means that you have to do a preliminary query to find out whether the current record already exists.

In your example, I think the code would look something like this:

function myRecordHandler($fgpart)
/*Database Tables is the first item entered and the excel sheet data goes in at the end*/
$sql "
      SELECT * FROM fgparts WHERE Partno = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PARTNO_XRF"] )."'";
$result mysql_query($sql);
    if (
mysql_num_rows($result)) // if already exists update description, shelflife and quantity
$sql "
        UPDATE fgparts SET
        Description = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["DESCRIPTION"] )."',
        Shelflife = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["SHELFLIFE"] )."',
        QtyPerPallet = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PACKPERPAL"] )."'
        Partno = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PARTNO_XRF"] )."' ";
// otherwise create a new record
$sql "
        INSERT INTO fgparts SET
        Partno = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PARTNO_XRF"] )."',
        PartnoPref = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PARTNO_PREF"] )."',
        Description = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["DESCRIPTION"] )."',
        Shelflife = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["SHELFLIFE"] )."',
        QtyPerPallet = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PACKPERPAL"] )."' ";

If you also want to delete any records that are no longer in the feed, the easiest way to do this is to create a new field in the database called "DeleteMe", and make it an INT(11). Then, before you start parsing the feed, set DeleteMe to 1 in every record, and make the modifications to the queries used in the record handler function to set DeleteMe to 0 for current records. Then, when you have finished importing; delete every record where DeleteMe is still 1....

function myRecordHandler($fgpart)
/*Database Tables is the first item entered and the excel sheet data goes in at the end*/
$sql "
      SELECT * FROM fgparts WHERE Partno = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PARTNO_XRF"] )."'";
$result mysql_query($sql);
    if (
mysql_num_rows($result)) // if already exists update description, shelflife and quantity
$sql "
        UPDATE fgparts SET
        Description = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["DESCRIPTION"] )."',
        Shelflife = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["SHELFLIFE"] )."',
        QtyPerPallet = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PACKPERPAL"] )."',
        DeleteMe = '0'
        Partno = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PARTNO_XRF"] )."' ";
// otherwise create a new record
$sql "
        INSERT INTO fgparts SET
        Partno = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PARTNO_XRF"] )."',
        PartnoPref = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PARTNO_PREF"] )."',
        Description = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["DESCRIPTION"] )."',
        Shelflife = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["SHELFLIFE"] )."',
        QtyPerPallet = '"
.mysql_real_escape_string$fgpart["PACKPERPAL"] )."',
        DeleteMe = '0'"
// mark all records for deletion
mysql_query("UPDATE fgparts SET DeleteMe = '1'");
// records that are still in the feed have DeleteMe set to 0 by the record handler
// finally delete any record that still has DeleteMe set to 1 as it is no longer in the feed
mysql_query("DELETE FROM fgparts WHERE DeleteMe = '1'");

Hope this helps!