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remove duplicates in xml

Submitted by nonibanacu on Mon, 2017-10-30 09:31 in

Considering the xml below, first and last entries are duplicates for me based on the first 3 xml fields.

    <name>any other</name>

How can process the xml in a fast way, such that the xml transforms into the example below. Basically removing one of the considered duplicates.

    <name>any other</name>

Submitted by support on Mon, 2017-10-30 10:26


You can do this easily by creating an array of id's already processed, and skipping any that are duplicated, for example;

$ids = array();
function myRecordHandler($record)
  global $ids;
  if (in_array($ids[$record["ID"]],$ids)) return;
  $ids[$ids[$record["ID"]]] = $ids[$record["ID"]];
  // process $record as normal here

Hope this helps!