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Getting higher level nodes more quickly in large files

Submitted by WizardTechie on Tue, 2014-07-22 16:09 in

Hi David

Is there anyway I can retrieve the higher nodes attributes more quickly? The following example file is about 50,000 lines.

The trackpoint data is retrieved in feasible time, but when trying go access the higher level node attributes e.g.
the script becomes extremely slow, and times out on most files. This also happens on your demo server. I don't need all the info in one call as I want to store information in a relational db - is there anyway to skip reading of childnodes, or to specifiy a maximum recursion / node depth or any other way I can get the higher level data faster - especially ACTIVITY and LAP?

Many thanks

{code saved}

Submitted by support on Tue, 2014-07-22 16:17

Hello Jez, and welcome to the forum!

I have a development version of Magic Parser that provides access to all parent elements of the child node you are parsing against which I will email to you in just a moment.

With this version, you would continue to use the leaf node format string e.g.


...but in the $record array as seen by your myRecordHandler function you will also have access to all parent elements using standard directory notation e.g. ../PARENT/ELEMENT/


Submitted by WizardTechie on Tue, 2014-07-22 17:15

That's fantastic! Just what I needed! Thank you for all your help! And for a speedy response (your reply and your script execution!)! This is going to make my app much better! Thank you!

A great script!
