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Limit number of records to process

Submitted by bayuobie on Tue, 2011-08-02 15:58 in

Hey David,

Just wanted to ask if it's possible to limit the number of records to process from a URL or File. For instance the feed contains 10,000 items but due to server constraints, I want magic parser to process only the first 6,000 items and exit.

Any help is appreciated.


Submitted by support on Tue, 2011-08-02 16:03

Hello Blaise,

No problem, Magic Parser will stop if you return TRUE from your myRecordHandler function; so all you need to do is maintain a global counter variable, and then return TRUE once you have processed as many records as you want. Consider the following (incomplete) example:

  $counter = 0;
  function myRecordHandler($record)
    global $counter;
    if ($counter == 10000) return TRUE;
    // process $record as normal here...

Hope this helps!